It hit’s again

We were learning about putting adverbs in my writing so it can make it stand out more. We were also learning about metaphors to level up our writing because nearly everyone can make a simile without even know that they did one. Lastly we were learning about making a recount about our writing that we did in the past such as my one because this is about my experience back when I was around when I was 6 years old.

I found it hard to add metaphors in my writing because I normally get mixed up with similes all the other stuff so metaphors don’t really work well with me. I also found it hard to remember the moment when it happened because I do remember stuff from my childhood but stuff about that is not easy because there not something to remember.

I found it easy to put in adjectives for my writing because they are one of the most easiest things do do and maybe nouns so the adjectives to describe it.

I really enjoyed probably my writing because of how much I’ve improved during the past years so that is what I enjoyed. I also enjoyed finding out what I could add to my writing to level it up more because that’s the most exciting part being able to finally level up know that your hard work wasn’t for nothing!

Next time I will add much more describing words to get a picture in the reader’s mind because being able to do that make your writing go up more because without putting a picture in the reader’s doesn’t make them feel that interested in stuff that could’ve been interesting but you didn’t add the right words to do so, so that is what I would do next time when I do writing like this. ( And make sure I’ll become the pirate king shshsh!!)