Bunny origami

I was learning about how to make my bunny origami on youtube because not all people know how to make an origami by themselves. I was also learning about different ways to do the feet of the bunny because when I did it I just made it by myself.

I found it hard to make my bunny origami because when I was following the instructions for the legs it looked like they did it with magic. I also found it hard to follow the instructions because when I said at first about the legs I didn’t really know how they did it until I just tried my own way of making it and then it worked, but when I tried to help other I completely forgotten how to do it again even when the instruction are on the screen.

I found it easy to do all the other parts except for the feet but everything else was easy to do because I once did origami like this but it was a boat and a butterfly. I also found it easy to help people with everything else but the feet because when you first do the start of it, it’s really easy but when it comes with the feet it’s hard to do.

I really enjoyed helping people with there origami because as long as there finish after me then that’s great! I also really enjoyed making the origami because I got to challenge myself by making my one and then helping other people with their work which makes me feel great about it and there work.

Next time I will change the colour of the bunny because the red doesn’t really stand out as much as all of the other colours so that is what I would do next time.  Next time I will also change the angle of the bunny so you could see the full pick of it and how it looks but at the same time you won’t be able to see the body of it so that is what I would kinda change next time I do one of these again in the future.